Guest Speaker

The Amazing Healing Powers Of The Sea

The Amazing Healing Powers Of The Sea 

My family have been blessed to live near the sea and we have spent many years at the beach. This blog post is what I have discovered by being by the ocean.

When I was very young I constantly had the usual scrapes and falls off my bike, but after every swim I the salt seemed to miraculously heal my wounds! I’m an adult now and the ocean still has a magical effect on me. It has the ability to trigger a psychological state of calm and wellbeing in even the most troubled souls. It can quite literally wash away the pain.

The ocean provides perspective in a way that nothing else can as it’s constantly changing before our very eyes. It forces us to learn quickly to adapt to take in new information. The ocean bombards our senses. Along with the grains of sand we taste the salt and smell it in the air. The wind rushes over us. We can hear the waves crashing on the shore. We are left completely submerged in the present.

When we are in the present we are not worried about the past or future. We are living in the joy of the moment and calming our busy minds. It has also been proven that all the minerals and salts are amazing for psoriasis and eczema skin conditions as well as other immune conditions. Ocean healing is one of the easiest way s to restore our energy balance both physically and mentally. Among the many minerals found in the ocean is iodine which helps the body to fight infection whilst boosting the thyroid function. Seawater increases the elasticity of our skin and also improves our circulation helping to carry blood to all our organs. People who suffer with sleep problems can also benefit from being near the sea. Among the many minerals found in the ocean is iodine which helps the body to fight infection whilst boosting the thyroid function. Seawater increases the elasticity of our skin and also improves our circulation helping to carry blood to all our organs 

Sometimes the sea appears in dreams. If you find yourself dreaming about the sea pay attention to the waters. Are they calm or turbulent? This can reflect what is going on around us at the time. Pay attention and learn from it.

So, next time you get the chance, put on some factor 50 on and head off to the beach!

Thank you for reading 

Jasmine – PIN 600595 

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