Guest Speaker

Telepathy: New Ways To Connect

Telepathy: New Ways To Connect

Telepathy is the transmission of information from one person to another, without using any human sensory channels or physical interaction, and it’s something a lot of Psychics experience, Very often, before a reading I will think of a person and minutes later they call me. It’s very hard to understand what’s happening at first, but after a while I got used to thinking of a client, then finding myself on the phone to them just a few moments later; it happens so often with a regular client of mine it’s become a running joke between us!

Scientists have proven that telepathic communication is within reach in a recent experiment. According to a recent report in The Smithsonian Magazine, a person in India managed to connect with 3 people in France. That may not seem very impressive at first, the article explained, as smartphones and international calling make this sort of thing easy! However, according to the article “The greetings were not spoken, typed or texted. The communication in question happened between the brains of a set of study objects, marking one of the first instances of brain to brain communication on record.”

 So next time you’re thinking of someone, see if you can actually get them to call you! It’s interesting because a lot of people will find they will have this ability to do this and never even realised. I hope you find this blog interesting,

 Love from Jasmine – PIN 600595

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