Anya P - PIN 600052 - Next Due: 28/07/2024 @ 15:00 (EST)
Anya P

Symbolism Of The Crow

Spiritual Creatures – The Crow

The crow can often have a bad reputation by some as they can be particularly noisy. However, there is a reason for their squawking. The crow shows a sense of community, and he is a skilful watchman. He observes quietly and warns other animals of impending dangers.

Unlike a seagull, a crow will never dive bomb a human to grab the odd chip or hot dog; they are far more dignified than that. Unlike a magpie, they will never steal from you or others. Crows are also said to be timeless birds who can know and experience the past, present, and future. As a result, crow symbolism often points to clairvoyance and psychic ability. Crows also have good memories: they can remember faces and will recall whether an encounter with a human or other animal was a positive or negative one.

I live in an area that is heavily populated by trees and to hear the crows early in the morning is a joyful sound. If you are lucky enough to attract a crow’s attention, be thankful as they are careful who they choose to communicate with. The symbolism associated with crows across multiple spiritual mythologies, as well as what we know from modern zoological studies, shows that crows are intelligent, insightful creatures that have much to teach us.

Crows represent spiritual and emotional change. Native American beliefs show they always believed crows to be cleansers of both the land and the mind.  The Celts also believed the crows carried secrets between the feathers of their wings.

Seeing a crow within a dream can mean a couple of things; if the crow is in flight this is telling your subconscious mind that a matter needs attention to move things forward. If the crow is feeding, this resembles great wealth and opportunity. To sum it up a crow is indeed a beautiful, majestic creature and carries a deep sense of spirituality and energy.

Anya - 600052 

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