Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Today @ 19:00 (EST)

Soulmates - Friend Or Foe

Soulmates are not always who we think they are and are not any one particular kind of relationship we are in.  They are characters in the cast of our everyday life and pop up when we least expect.   You can have more than one soulmate connection in your life.  This is the kind of connection where you feel your soul was connected at another time and place or life.   Sometimes they can be referred to as karmic connections as they are connections from a past life, but not necessarily positive, just familiar.

You may meet someone that you feel an instant connection to, whose sentences you finish and when you look into their eyes you are drawn to them.  When this happens you may feel this person is your soulmate because you feel so close to them and so connected.  People think that this kind of connection is always positive and this is definitely a soulmate, but sometimes you feel drawn to someone and it may not positive.  You don’t realize this immediately, because you are feeling the familiarity and closeness like that of a soulmate.  These are karmic connections, connections with people from past lives that you are instantly drawn to with some kind of karmic lesson connected to them as well.

An example would be feeling unusually drawn to someone, but the connection is a negative one in which this person hurt you in a prior existence and the karma that needs to be met is about that hurt and not about a positive soulmate connection.  So, not all soulmate connections are positive, but have various connotations. 

You can feel family members are soulmates and love connections are soulmates that you connect on a deeper spiritual level.  I even believe that a pet can be a soulmate, especially when you look at all of the stories where pets have saved their owners lives, have visited graves when they are gone and endless stories of selfless love of a person for a pet and vice versa

Ultimately we can’t say for sure who is what, but we do know how we feel and the depth of a connection we feel to different people and pets.  Only each of us individually can know who clicks with our soul on that intense soulmate level.


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