Janette - PIN 600242 - Currently Unavailable

Signs You're Dating A Narcissist

A modern day scourge and a shocking personality disorder that can cause trauma to the strongest. 

Can be covert and typically all seem to follow a pattern.

Love bombing initially...looking like the perfect partner.

Asking lots about you...not to care but to find your weaknesses.

Begin isolating you from family and friends and financial control begins.

Subtle put downs quickly turn into insults and rages with the partner normally backing down..thus the abuser gains more control.

This can go on for years with verbal and physical abuse...protecting and blaming.

The partner weakens and can develop traumatic symptoms.

The narcissist will always have secondary supply as you are primary to inflate their ego and sense of superiority. 

I've had so many clients shocked at finding this out and being cruelly dumped.

So look out for the red flags and keep boundaries strong.

There's no treatment so get out if you suspect you are a victim

Love and Light J x



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