Guest Blogger - PIN NA - Currently Unavailable
Guest Blogger


My name is Bernadette; I am a psychic and tarot reader with a lot of faith in crystal energy.

I have been asked to be a guest blogger for AskTheAnswer on a specific subject. I do this willingly with no financial recompense.   I have been told the subject is Secrets, lies and truth.

I think most of us have told a white lie in our lifetime, even if it just to ensure the comfort of others.

I have also seen the secrets of others within the cards and from psychic energies, with facts that are not so comforting.  Sometimes this is hard to tell the recipient as they simply don’t want to believe it. It is not for me to cause any distress but when obvious patterns occur, the cause can be very clear.

Trust your gut instinct at all times.  To face issues is also the way to resolve them as difficult as it may be.

If you are in doubt over a person or a situation, always get a third party advice and often this is not best coming from a family member, you need unbiased advice. Not someone who will take it on board and act on it.

A consultation with the Tarot or a Psychic is always a great start. Nobody can manipulate what comes through with your reading.  It is your reading and is always personal no matter, if it is face to face or via the phone.

Love and light


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