Guest Speaker

Sacred Water Ritual

With all Rituals the most important part is the intention you set. Whatever you’re working towards you must absolutely believe in it a 100%. If your intention is strong your manifesting is half way done.

When I perform rituals for myself and others I really need to immerse myself into the belief of it. This is why it’s important that what you’re asking for is supporting the greater good. You cannot hurt others or affect others with your wishes otherwise it’s going against the grain and will either never come to light or worse it could come back on you.

So love, peace, kindness, hope, excitement must all be mixed in with your intentions..... then you have a recipe for success

A lovely Ritual that is simple and will invite whatever it is you’re wishing for into your life is creating ‘Sacred Water’

For this you need the energy of the New or Full moon. The moons energy charges the water giving it a potent strength of manifesting.

Need financial Help 

Want to cleanse the house 

Want to bring luck 

Want to help health 

Want to invite love

All beautiful manifestations need a little guidance and help to find you. YOU must be very clear in what you want or the universe cannot help.

Get a container with a lid, bottle of water (avoid tap water) and a crystal relating to what you want.

Love - rose quartz / green aventurine (any you feel drawn to that are for love) 

Money - Shiny gold pound/penny

Health - again a crystal that relates

Cleanse the outdoor area if you have the tools, sage or incense is perfect.

Fill the container with the bottled water firmly, close lid, place water outside under the moon light for 3 days bringing it in each morning and putting it back out each night.

After the 3 days the water is charged

Bring the water inside place the crystal or penny into the water and set your intention. Talk to the water tell it what you want your deepest desires without knowing what you wish for it cannot manifest for you. Leave in a peaceful undisturbed area of the house

If you’re into Feng Shui place the bowl in the appropriate area


Have fun and enjoy this Ritual ♥


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