Guest Speaker

Resolving Jealousy

Sometimes we feel jealous of others love and their relationships and this is heightened on days such as Valentine's Day and the days after. However, when we feel jealous it is often a symptom of a deeper issue at play.

I believe all our relationships are an extension and mirror of our relationship with Spirit. If we feel we don't have enough love or we feel lonely or unloved, it is usually representative of how we are currently connecting with Spirit.
So for instance if we feel that are feeling unloved, we are usually not allowing Spirit into our hearts and minds as much as we could. If we are feeling we feel we don't have enough love it's usually that we believe on some level that there is not an infinite supply of Source or Spiritual support. If we are feeling lonely it is usually that we are not creating a space to regularly connect with our Spiritual guides and higher self. 
I like to say the door knob to connecting with Spirit is on the inside! As Spirit does not interfere with our free will, we need to turn the door knob open.   If you want more love, be open to the infinite supply. Challenge the idea that you are ever alone! If you were aware of just how much Spiritual support you have around your 24/7 you would never worry! And most importantly you are lovable, created as an innocent child of the Universe who is worthy of love.
As we let love in, we attract that into our lives. The more used to feeling loved we get, the more we accept it when it's on our door step rather than pushing it away

dealing with jealousy

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