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Releasing Meditation

27th June 2019

Hi Everyone,

When working with clients in a reading we often come across energy that needs to be released in order to move on. That good old 8 of cups energy! It is so important to be able to do this and there are lots of meditations that can help. This is one that I wrote a while ago now and it is still the one that works best for me. If you have something that you feel you have to let go of why not give this a try. A great time to do this is at the full moon , but it can be used at anytime you feel the need to release something that has been holding you back .

Letting go Meditation

Relax, and sit with your feet flat on the ground, imagine roots growing down through your feet into the earth, deep into the earth. Breathe , slowly and deeply , close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a field, on top of a small hill, feel the grass under your feet, it's soft, and a luscious bright green. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and as you walk to the top of the hill you can see beautiful countryside stretching out for miles around you.

At the top there is an oak tree with a bench underneath it, take a seat and relax, after a few minutes  you notice to your side there is a balloon on a piece of string tied to the bench, you know that this is for you so you untie it and take it in your hands. You reach into your pocket and find a felt tip pen and write on the balloon, the name of the person/feeling/situation you wish to release or you want to ask for help with.

You take the balloon and walk out from under the tree, out into the field, into the beautiful green space. You look up to the blue sky , and gently release your grip on the string on your balloon, watch it float up, further and further away from you, becoming smaller and smaller, so small that is a dot in the blue sky and then so tiny that you can no longer see it.

It disappears, lost in the atmosphere and with it go your words leaving you with just a feeling of peace a serenity. Take a deep breath and sigh it’s time to return, walk slowly down the hill bringing your awareness back into your room, wiggle your fingers and toes, open your eyes , take a drink of water.... welcome back!

Give it a try, I hope it helps!


Crystal  500696

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