The deck I work with in the main is the Mythic Tarot. For Jean, I have done a Celtic Cross Spread reading.
The question was, is a relationship on the horizon?
1. The first card dawn represents the energy surrounding the problem or circumstance i.e. the heart of the situation
5 of Pentacles
When this card appears it is likely that you are feeling that you are lacking in security of some kind i.e. emotionally or financially. There is an answer to this though and things aren’t as grim as you may think. If you need help, ask for it; don’t be too proud to ask for it. Even if this just means a long chat with a friend. I am sensing that you are generally other peoples support /safety net and this can be draining on you emotionally.
2. What crosses you for good or for bad; the main obstacle:
3 of Cups
This card shows that despite the above, this is a time of enjoying the company of loved ones. This may take place in the form of a celebration or reunion in the very near future if not already happened. On the whole, positive emotions are indicated which are shared with those you care about. You are held in high esteem by others and your company is welcomed by those who share it. Take every opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends. You are seen as a very caring, witty and compassionate lady and comfortable to be with.
3. The path that has lead you to this point; past influences:
King of Pentacles
This card may indicate a man who is a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, or someone of another sign displaying these qualities. This represents a man who has had the ability to work hard but was probably too conservative for you. Too stuck in a mould and not always valuing or sharing your opinions Jean, you have an adventurous side to you, maybe even been a bit wild (in the nicest way possible) in the past and you need a person that shares a love of natural beauty, animals and a sense of humour.
4. The current passing influence; that which is to be released:
9 of Wands
This represents you pushing yourself emotionally and this is where exhaustion and doubt come in. You may be questioning whether this has been worth it and if you will ever reach the end. You are almost there and this card urges you to give that final push. This is not the time to give up as what you hope for is within site. You have at least one child and you worry about them, always making sure they succeed in what they want to do and are happy in life. You don’t need to worry; they will make you a proud mother. You have done your job well, and must not forget that.
5. A future upcoming influence; that which is to be embraced:
Queen of Swords
This card indicates a woman who is a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. An intelligent, independent, logical woman with a cool exterior that hides her softer side. Not afraid to speak up or fight for what she believes in, others may find her slightly threatening at times. (However these people are not necessary in your life). I believe this card represents you Jean. Your future to be embraced lies within your own hands. I cannot see any particular 9-5 employee job that you are in right now; if you are, you need to think again, as this isn’t right for you. You are more of a self employed nature, a bit of a free spirit. Although it sounds like a cliché, you have the ability to tap into your psychic awareness. Think online courses or a way to start up your own small business, this is not too late to start.
6. The goal, aim or ambition; the best that can currently be achieved:
While this card does not necessarily indicate loneliness, it does signify taking time for quiet contemplation. Again this validates the Queen of Swords card that a realisation that the power to change the situation lies within. A spiritual card which advises that you take the time to receive the guidance needed to self empower. In terms of relationships, you simply have not met or connected with the person YET, who is worthy of you. It needs to be a person who embraces all you are. Don’t take second best, as the one you want is out there.
7. Your feelings about this situation; your perception & reaction:
9 of Cups
This is a great card and a sign of great personal happiness and fulfilment. This is the ‘Wish Card’ and indicates the fulfilment of a wish with a resounding "Yes". As always, be careful what you wish for though. On the whole, though, this card indicates good things about to come your way.
8. The energies surrounding your situation; outside factors:
8 of Pentacles
This card is sometimes known as the ‘Apprentice card’. This could be a period of hard work where you may be learning something new. Keeping your mind focused on what it is that you are working towards will help. Again Jean, you have to more to offer than a relationship, but by doing so, that all important person will enter your life.
9. Your hopes & fears about this situation:
5 of Cups
You may still find yourself right now struggling with feelings of loss and regret, always the sense that there is some opportunity that you have missed. Rather than dwelling on the past look to the future for a new path. If the figure in the card were to just turn around, he would notice that while 3 cups may have fallen, 2 still stand. Your past is not the key, it what lies in the future that matters
10. The result of this situation if nothing is changed; the outcome:
Knight of Wands
Jean, the pinnacle of your question came out in the last card. You will have exactly what you want in a new relationship. This represents a younger person or a person of your own age that displays young energy. They may totally lack the idea of being serious, and sometimes can appear insensitive but this is due to a reckless spirit, but is very loyal and caring, you will be well suited. This person will be your cherry on the icing.
Overall summary for Jean
A lady much loved by friend and family, (young at heart) maybe gives emotionally too much to others as doesn’t put herself first. Very compassionate. A quirky lady who has much to offer in a relationship, but that OTHER person has to be deserving of such a lovely soul. There will be love, travel and adventures in the future.
I wish you all the best, you have a very good future ahead.