Guest Speaker

Preparing for the Christmas Moon

Full moon on Christmas Day

The full moon this month lands on Christmas Day at 11:11hrs GMT which is a powerful combination.  The last full moon on Christmas Day was in 1977 and the next one isn’t due until 2020!

This will really end the year with a bit of a bang!  This year has been very powerful as far as the moon is concerned.  We have had 4 Supermoons which are 12 times more powerful than an ordinary full moon.

The numbers 11:11 are again extremely powerful as they are Angelic numbers and also manifestation numbers.  I personally will be celebrating this full moon with a manifestation exercise which I will detail below.  It is simple and effective (two of my favourite words!) with a  seasonal twist. 

This works best if you place your order on behalf of someone else and they then do the same for you.  Consider this an additional gift you are giving to your loved ones this Christmas.

You will need:

1 white candle

Cosmic orders for at least one special person in your life using positive language (example; Dear cosmos, I graciously ask for great waves of abundance to fall upon Joe Bloggs in effortless ways for the highest good of all concerned).

Step 1.  Write out your orders, applying a time frame if necessary.  You can write these on paper or etch them into the candle.
Step 2.  Light the candle, set the mood with some peaceful music and maybe some incense
Step 3.  Read out your cosmic orders to the universe and visualise them going into the candle.
Step 4.  Focus on the candle flame, and visualise this growing in front of you until it is bigger than you as you are stood in front of it.  Imagine a doorway opening and step through the doorway where there is the brightest light imaginable.  This is the light of the cosmos.  Now visualise your orders floating off into the light of the cosmos.
Step 5.  Step back out of the doorway and see the flame return to its original size and thank the cosmos for accepting your orders.

That is it!  This can be done at 11:11 or later on in the evening.  I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Love, Light and Blessings.  Saira

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