Guest Speaker

Practicing Mindfulness

Practice in a place that is calming and as quiet as possible where you are unlikely to be distracted or disturbed.


Get comfortable in loose clothing if possible and sit upright either in a straight backed chair or on the floor with back support if needed. 

Close your eyes and breathe through you nose slowly and deeply from your abdomen rather than from your chest.

Start counting from one as you inhale and concentrating on your breath as you exhale, continue counting until you reach ten then start again at one. 

Other thoughts will come into your mind, just gently observe them passing by like a newspaper heading or simply tell your thoughts “not now, not now...”, then return to your concentration to counting your breathes. 

It is beneficial to practice and do this exercise for at least 15-20 minutes. It can be done any time of day but you might find it useful first thing in the morning. 

Earth Angel


Love & light xxx

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