Guest Speaker

One Card Reading Results

Love card reading

The results revealed from yesterdays one card love reading

What did you pick 1, 2 or 3?

Card 1- Little Boy Blue.
If you picked this card it could well be that your dreams are about to be answered. What do you desperately want at the moment? A baby, a new partner, to rekindle the love with your current partner after a flat period? A new start is coming, and it's time to be playful and excited like a child again. It's a time for new growth in your love life, for letting go of the things that don't work for you any more, and generally having fun. See the world anew, remember what made you first fall in love, don't always take the sensible option and rediscover what makes you tick and what you want out of a relationship. Don't hide the sensitive side of yourself, let it out so that people can see the real you and they will want to fall in love with you too. Discover the magic again.

Card 2- Beauty's Truth. If you picked this card it is reminding you of your innate beauty, even if you struggle to see it yourself. Beauty exists inside all of us, in our thoughts, our actions, how we treat others, it's in our hearts. Beauty is often said to be in the eye of the beholder, so when someone tells you that you are beautiful, you should believe them. They can see your beauty. Too often we judge ourselves on how we look, but physical appearances fade over time. True beauty is inside a person. This card is a reminder to believe in yourself, and also to believe those who compliment you. Are you pushing someone away because you think they are too good for you? Try not to put yourself down or think you're not worthy of love; you are. Take a chance, believe the compliments you're given, love yourself and allow others to love you too.

Card 3- Greenman's Door.
If you picked this card it is telling you that what happens next is up to you. Is the door locked, or is it about to be opened? Are you thinking about closing the door on a relationship, or are you about to start a new one? The ball is well and truly in your court. You can keep things the same, or you can make a change. What do you want to do, who do you want to be with? Some people prefer to stay in a bad relationship rather than being single for many reasons; it could easier in the short-term or the thought of being alone is scary. Is it really "better the devil you know" or will you be happier in the long run walking away and having a new start? Maybe you want to start a new relationship but are worried about being rejected. Isn't it better to try, regardless of whether you succeed or not, than not to try at all? Think about what you want, then go for it. Good luck whatever you decide.

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