Guest Speaker

Mindfully Joyful

The funny thing about being mindful is that we become very aware of how we truly feel. We may feel unpleasant feelings initially. At the commencement of our journey of enlightenment towards wholeness, the more 'in our body' and grounded we are, the less happiness or joy we may feel.

This phenomenon is based on the fact that we have emotional baggage and other unresolved traumas or life contracts we have yet to unravel. When we allow ourselves to be more grounded through exercise, meditation and mind-full activities, we may get an unpleasant shock at first. We may want to run as it all feels too much. It may feel that joy and happiness are hard to reach!
One of my youngest students who was only 19 told me how she felt more aware of her fear now that she was feeling more grounded. For her, becoming aware of the fear that her body was carrying was enlightening. Once she actually felt the fear that had been there all along, she was able to do something about it. This brought a feeling of joy and relief. True empowerment no less.

So with all the pain, fear and unresolved emotions going on in our very human abode, how do we reconcile it with joy? My answer to that is simple. The more we connect with the divine light in us, the more we will feel joy. The more we are connected, the more we see the baggage and emotional residue as temporal. We don't see it as our infinite destiny! We are able to
step back, take a breath and go 'aahh'. We breathe out, see the bigger picture and we literally have those enlightened 'aha' moments.

Authentic happiness is a bi-product of our connection to what is real, true and infinite. This is true joy! False joy seeking lights up the pleasure centre in our brain but this can also be a cover up for deep voids within. There-in lays the food addiction trap.  The essence of true joy is connecting with our Higher Self and the everyday lightworker in us all. Once we discover and practise our connection with the divine, we are able to see the world through a new enlightened and nourishing lens. We have chosen every experience to learn every lesson we've learned. We are who we are from every moment in time we have lived. Our consciousness,freedom and light grows day by day, no matter what our present situation looks like. This brings with it a smile and a reassurance that all is indeed always well. We are all winners – even through loss! This is the kind of mindfulness
that connects us with our joy. No matter what.
Blessings in abundance,

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