Anya P - PIN 600052 - Next Due: Tomorrow @ 15:00 (EST)
Anya P

Mercury Retrograde's End

Take a breath – Mercury Retrograde Ends 18th October

Once Mercury Retrograde hits, no matter what star sign you are, it has its effects. Normally, it effects communication and technology, causing mishaps. I have had it this month and the sound of me shouting “‘bloody Mercury retrograde!” has been heard on more than one occasion as internet falls off or monitors go blank.

However, the current retrograde, which started on September 27th, has been a tricky one for relationships. Luckily it is the last one we will see in 2021 and it ends on the 18th October. You may have seen a slowing down or a complete lack of contact on your mobile or online socials. I have noticed this first hand, with daily readings where callers are wondering “why aren’t they calling me”.

I am not an astrologist, but I always check on a retrograde occurrence as this is the time you should simply take it slow and be careful not to say the wrong thing. Let it pass is always the best policy. The moon can change our moods, so it makes sense the other planets can also.

So let’s look on the bright side! A positive change is coming to all of us if we welcome it. We have a clear run now for the rest of the year. It’s time to look at new opportunities, new relationships, new starts; throw off the old and welcome every possibility that comes your way.  What is coming to you before the end of 2021? Now is a great time to look and explore what is in the cards.

Warm wishes

Anya - 600052 

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