Guest Speaker

Mediocre Mother

Mediocre Mother
by Charnjit

Mediocre mother will do me just fine
No need to attempt to go beyond nine
No need to fight, no need to strive
I'm happy being a moderate five

50/50 split in two
Half for me and half for you
That will do absolutely fine
With one day to spare for the divine

I need to balance my energy
I've spread myself to thin you see

Do I cook?
Not by the rule book
Do I clean?
Not like a domestic queen

Do I strive to do my personal best
Oh yes to that I can attest
Forever putting myself to that test

But I am yearning and ever learning
It's all work in progress
And no matter what the mess
What matters more
Is an ever open door
To my kind and loving accepting heart
Whether it's a hug, spud, burp or fart

Tears and laughter
Happily ever after
It all gets resolved eventually
With time comes healing
And we finally understand
What we are truly feeling

I'm put to the test on a daily basis
Juggling people, things, budgets
Not to mention places
You win some you lose some
But at the end of the day
We're all alive and well
Hip hip hip hooray
We lived to see another day!

So mediocre mother I'm happy to be
Phew! Now I need a cup of tea!
In my heart of hearts I've already succeeded
Because I know deep down what is true
And that is....
That I always love you
No matter what you say
No matter what you do

I love you boys,
Mum xx

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