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March 2021 Charmscopes

7th March 2021

Aries: The Butterfly

Where work is concerned, this week a more practical approach may be needed to solve a minor issue that crops up. Don't be worried about asking for help if you are uncertain about something, as others will be willing to help. If you are looking for work, it may be connected to healthcare or healing, education, children or hospitality trades. Financially, a small increase is coming, connected to paperwork and something creative. Relationships will take a turn for the better this week, as a family makes time for each other. Those that have felt neglected or left out recently will suddenly feel wanted again. If you are looking for love, it is connected to friends, social media and dating apps and a new exercise or outdoor pursuit you may take up. This week it's all about change and being able to adapt to new situations and circumstances. This will bring a more harmonious atmosphere into your week. For some of you there will be opportunities to learn new skills or express your creative talents, which will lead to more money coming your way and for others a change at home may be just what you need. A friend or relative may need your help or support this week regarding a health matter.

Taurus: The Ring

Where work is concerned, you will find yourself having to be a lot more creative than normal. You may be faced with some problems and you will need to think outside the box to solve them. You may find your patience is tested by others this week. If you are looking for work new contracts are heading your way, but work opportunities are likely to be connected to health care, children, weddings and social events (though not immediately), customer service and the building trade. Financially, money can be made and found when you clear out a room. An item from your past is worth a lot more than your think and something you design or make yourself has great selling potential. Where relationships are concerned, for some of you there may be news connected to a wedding or engagement and for others there will be a feeling of togetherness as you look back on the past together and reminisce. If you are looking for love it is connected to a friend and someone from your past may try to connect again. A new business idea you come up with with a friend will actually be a success, as long as you plan it properly, so put some thought in to what you are doing and make those plans.

Gemini: The Mask

There are 2 sides to every coin and this week you may find yourself working with the stubborn side of you. A situation connected with work will require you to put your foot down and stand your ground to get your point across. If you are looking for work, it is connected to learning a new skill, art or creativeness, police or legal work, travel or customer service. Financially money may be a little tight this week, as your spending seems to have gone over your budget, but if you need help do ask as others will be there for you when you need it. Where relationships are concerned, you may find that work (either your partners’ or your own) may be interfering in love. Make a point of creating some time and space just for each other, with no interruptions, to keep the passion alive. If you are looking for love, someone who doesn't live near may be just what you need right now, so don't dismiss them. This week, love is connected to work, a female friend and travel. There is a feeling of completion this week and planning a holiday may be on your mind, or you will be thinking of a move or changing something in the home. Just remember to stick to a budget and don't over spend. A friend of yours may come to you with a money matter and as much as you want to help, just think about if you are actually helping them or encouraging the problem.

Cancer: The Closed Book

Do you ever get the feeling you are taking on too much, that you now feel stuck especially where work is concerned? This week you may be feeling like that. If you feel that there is too much on your plate, ask for help or delegate. A situation at work will be ending soon, so get ready for change. If you are looking for work it will be connected to the hospitality trades, arts and crafts, call centres, agency work, police or the legal system, and retail. Financially if you have been struggling, that will be coming to an end. But just because money is coming your way, it does not mean you have to spend, spend, spend. Create a budget and stick to it - know your limits. Where relationships are concerned, something needs to change. Certain behaviours, either your partners’ or your own, may start to grate and unless you deal with it now it will only get worse. Make sure you make time to talk to each other and let each other know you both care. If you are looking for love, stop pining over your ex for starters, as there are good reasons why you are not together and stop comparing new love opportunities to them too. Love is connected to a health change you make and social media. This week you need to stop repeating patterns. Whether it is at work or in love, it just needs to stop, and it will only change when you change. Don't rely on others to fix things for you; it has to be you that makes the change. Stop letting people abuse your kindness and start putting your foot down.

Leo: The Signpost

This week, where work is concerned, you will have a lot of choices to make, as new opportunities open up for you. Look at all your options first before jumping the gun, and consider what really is best for you. It may seem like a lot of pressure when it comes to decision making, but take your time and research first. If you are looking for work, there will be opportunities connected to office work, real estate, healthcare, retail and beauty that come your way. Financially, money may be all over the place so it is time to get organised where that is concerned and if you are struggling allow an older female, that you may find interfering,  help. She will actually have some good advice. Where relationships are concerned, things will be going well, as a partner shows you how much they really care. If you are looking for love it is through dating apps, or social media, but also through shopping. This week it will feel like there are too many options for you to choose from regarding life. You know you want something to change, especially where work is concerned, but at the same time you are afraid to lose what you have gotten used to. Don't rush when it comes to making decisions and take your time, especially if it’s connected to changing jobs. Weigh up all your options.

Virgo: The Car

This week, a situation at work will go your way, as something that seemed unfair at the time will now become more equal, but watch out for a clash with a male figure. If you are looking for work it will be connected to the law, police, office work, customer service, retail and travel. Financially you will need to figure out a budget and stick to it as overspending is causing minor issues. Where relationships are concerned money issues are causing problems and you may feel like treating a loved one to show them how much you care. But instead of spending money on a gift, try something romantic indoors like a movie night and a cuddle on the sofa to bring some romance back in to your life. If you are looking for love it is connected to travel, a male friend and a health change you make. For some of you there will be paperwork to sort out. There is a move for some and some kind of trip that needs to be made to see a friend or a relative later in the week and a need to balance out your work life and personal life, as they seem to be clashing. Car issues may cause you minor problems and for others read the paperwork fully before buying a new car. Be careful as you may seem more accident prone than normal this week, due to your mind being focused elsewhere.

Libra: The Sun

Work is going to be going well this week and you may find yourself receiving a lot of praise for all your hard work and effort. If you are looking for work it is connected to real estate, a family run business, self-employment, children, retail and healthcare. Financially, money is on the up and for some of you, money will come your way through a relative. Where relationships are concerned there is nothing but happiness coming your way as loved up couples show how much they really care. For those looking for love, it is found through an outdoor pursuit, a connection through children (possibly another single parent) and social media. In general, this week will feel as if it is going your way and it will feel like a turning point. You will be in a good mood as you are looking good and feeling great. A holiday (or plans for one) will be on your mind and connecting with other family members will be important to you this week. Remember to do everything in moderation.

Scorpio: The Lion

Things are moving forward for you this week, as interviews and work seem to be going your way. But, remember to be patient on yourself and stop putting so much pressure on yourself by overthinking where work is concerned. If you are looking for work it is connected to health and fitness, managerial roles, travel, planning, building and office work. Financially, you will find there are small expenses this week, connected to the home and travel. Where relationships are concerned, there needs to be a talk about equality, as love may have seemed a bit one sided lately. Make time to talk to each other about how things are going and what needs to change to bring back some balance to the relationship. If you are looking for love, its time to venture further afield. In other words, don't limit yourself to certain people or a certain image, otherwise you will be keeping love from coming. Be adventurous and get to know someone new. Patience is never your best point as you like to get straight to the point. You hate waiting around for things or situations to happen, but this week patience is going to be something you will need to have as you wait for a decision to be made. A project or idea you have will need more research.

Sagittarius: The Open Book

New opportunities and offers will be coming your way this week regarding work, so keep an eye out or you may miss out. A chance to expand your knowledge or learn a new skill will come your way. If you are looking for work it is connected to beauty, self-employment, outdoor festivals/activities and teaching or learning. Where relationships are concerned, there is a lot to learn still. A partner or loved one will have a lot to say, so listen carefully before responding. If you are looking for love, it is connected to friends, work and study groups. It's all about grabbing chances as they come this week. New doors are opening up for you but if you are so focused on what you don't have, you will miss out on what you can. Exactly why or how is unclear, but a book is important and will be connected to money. You recently asked for a sign; look out for it because it is coming.

Capricorn: The Whip

Work wise this week you will be tempted to try a new method of doing things to speed work up, but this may end up causing you some stress when things don't go as planned. Be patient and don't give up on the first go, but also remember some of the old traditional ways may work best. If you are looking for work it is connected to the building trade, mechanics, farming, hospitality, beauty and health, or something creative. Financially money is coming in soon and it is connected to something you make or do. Where relationships are concerned, there will be some good news to celebrate for those already in love, found through friends, social media, dating apps, and for some of you a past love may get in contact this week. This week you will be feeling under pressure, mainly because of yourself and the burdens you create for yourself, but also because you know you have stuff to do, but you keep putting it off. Stop procrastinating and being so hard on yourself, look at all your options and take one step at a time.

Aquarius: The Wand

You will be feeling on a roll this week where work is concerned and this is connected with new opportunities to show off your ideas and talent, and new jobs may come your way. It's just a case of grabbing those chances as they come. You are full of great ideas so don't be afraid to show them and start making plans on how to make these ideas happen. If you are looking for work, it will be connected to real estate, police or legal work, creative work, self-employment, teaching or instructing and travel. Financially, money is going to take a turn for the better, with a small increase in funds coming your way. Where relationships are concerned, there is a need to talk, as someone may be having an issue with trust or jealousy that needs to be addressed. If you are looking for love, it is connected to a male friend, work and dating apps. In general, this is a great week for you where it will feel as if everything that has been on hold is now beginning to move again. For some of you there will be news of a new addition to the family and for others there may be a holiday or move being planned. A new exercise plan started in January is showing great results, even if you can't see it, so don't give up.

Pisces: The Coin

You will start seeing progress this week where work is concerned, as everything starts moving forward and at a faster pace. A job that allows you to work from home may create boundary issues, so make sure your working hours are clear, so that it does not cross over in to your personal life. If you are looking for work it is connected to health, childcare, council or the government, education, art, retail and travel. Financially there will be an increase in money and this is connected to some work you do, items you sell and a surprise birthday gift. Where relationships are concerned you will be feeling blessed as a loved one shows you how much they care through a gift you receive. If you are looking for love it is connected to a health change you make, a hospital setting, work and friends. This is a great week for you as it will finally feel like things that have been delayed or put on hold, are now moving again. New opportunities and doors are opening up for you and money is going to be flowing through your hands. Just be careful not to waste it. There may be news of a new addition to the family and watch out for issues connected to a vehicle or travel.

Many blessings,

 Michelle M - 600341

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