Guest Speaker

King And Queen Of Swords

The King and Queen of Swords. These are actually the Element Of Air in the cards and refer to the mind , intellect , clarity of intent , sharp wits and air signs , such as Gemini , Libra , Aquarius and is about communication.

They can also be associated with the fire sign Aries as its metal element is steel like the Swords and ruling planet is the Battle Planet Mars, also associated with images of Royal Knights in Shining Armour, Duals and similar.

Interestingly the Queen's actual birthday can resonate with this as despite her real birthday being on the 21st April - (being born in 1926) - which would make her an Earth Sign, Taurus, 1st Decan; she is also on the Cusp of Aries, 3rd Decan. Her Public Birthday is usually held on the 2nd Saturday of June which is when The Sun is in Water Sign Cancer. This can also be connected with the Swords Suit as the colour and element of silver of The Swords is the metal associated with The Moon, Ruling Celestial Body of The Moon.

Also, The Duke of Edinburgh, otherwise known as Prince Philip, is born under the Sign of Cancer with his birthday being the 10th June. Altogether you could say it is a very Royal Affair and these 2 cards, King and Queen of Swords can be mirrored in many ways with the attributes, characteristics and representations of The Royals symbolically and this can relate to both the past and present and future.

Tarot Cards were actually designed , based on not only Mythology but also with the Royals in mind as card reading both for fun, entertainment as both card games and tarot predictions have also been popular amongst the elite as well as the general throughout the ages. You could say there is a pack to suit everyone somewhere along the lines.


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