Guest Speaker

Is This Relationship Making Me Happy?



Denial can be a very tricky thing for anyone to deal with? Let's answer a few questions that may help you to really look at how happy you are in your relationship or a friendship that may lead to a relationship. This exercise can help you really look past feelings you have for this person and see the more practical side of things, in order to possibly judge, 'Is this a good match for ME?'

You can simply answer the questions a few times over and see how you feel or you could do some writing/journaling about each question. This exercise was designed just to help you see clearer into what you need out of a relationship. This is not to be used to beat yourself up with. These questions can be painful to answer and write about yet, very insightful and helpful too. Remember to be self loving and gentle with yourself during this process. This is a learning tool...

1. Do you feel loved and cared for in this relationship?
Never  Sometimes  Always

2. Does this person seem to lie and withhold things from you?
Never  Sometimes  Always

3. Does this person send mixed messages all the time and you are left feeling confused and crazy?
Never  Sometimes  Always

4. Does this person go out of their way to spend time with you?
Never  Sometimes  Always

5. Does this person call you?
Never  Sometimes  Always

If you find that this was helpful and opens up some questions call me and we can do a reading and look at what you need to do for YOUR HAPPINESS! I hope and pray that this was helpful!!!

Summer 500954


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