Guest Speaker

How To Reconnect With Your Twin Flame

How To Reconnect With Your Twin Flame

I have clients constantly asking me “Why is my twin flame running from me and our amazing connection?”

So here are 5 steps to get your twin flame from running away again. It’s time to break the cycle!


  1. Stop focusing on your twin flame as a runner. Don’t manifest it by talking about it and constantly thinking about it. By doing this you are actually pushing this on your twin flame, reinforcing them to run. Instead, begin to focus on the things you love about them. You are a co-creator of this experience and the universe responds to what we send out.


  1. Try and connect with your twin flame on the soul plane instead. This life on earth is only part of your journey. Your twin flame’s soul loves you eternally. 


  1. Clear both of the energy channels between you. On a twin flame journey, when ascension is triggered all the baggage of the past is brought up. This needs to be released. Because of the closeness it’s common to trigger each other. Have you noticed that running often happens after extensive closeness (especially a sexual climax) which opens the energies up, leaving your twin flame feeling bare and exposed?


  1. Practice seeing only your ideal situation, no matter how unrealistic it seems. Your energy will shift to invite your twin flame in more permanently.


  1. Stay open to change. The human instinct is to expect more of what we have previously experienced, but that’s not the case, things change all the time. When you begin to clear your energy the blocked changes will happen. For more information please call me.

Love and Light

Jasmine - PIN 600595 


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