Guest Speaker

Healing The Heart Chakra

Healing The Heart Chakra


Anahata is the heart chakra. In Sanskrit Anahata means unhurt, unstuck and unbeaten. Many people who have practiced their yoga will probably be aware of the word. This is something that I have recently experienced and learnt about and I think it’s worth sharing with my readers.

I think it is times like this when we can become very angry and unsettled in ourselves. Nobody is sure of what the future brings and fear leads to anger and hurt. So I have practiced this and found it really helpful. I hope you do too.

So what blocks up the heart chakra? Obviously stress and emotional pain, which can be caused by heartbreak or even bad memories. Overthinking, which nearly everybody does, can also be a culprit of heart chakra blockages.

What can I do to help unblock my heart chakra?

1 Let go of pain 

2 Tear down walls and forgive. This is the hardest thing to do when we have been hurt. 

3 Be kind to others. We are all going through life’s ups and downs. 

4 Love yourself like no other. Be kind to yourself and let your inner voice talk kindly.

5 Show gratitude and find the blessings in each day. Find the positive instead of the negative.

I found it useful to use a gratitude jar. Every day I write 3 things that I am grateful for, simple things like a soft bed to sleep in, a beautiful sunset or kind words from a loved one.

Hopefully you have found this interesting for more information please call me.

Love and light 

Jasmine - PIN 600595 

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