Guest Speaker

Happiness Via Health

Happiness Via Health

Does sitting still for even a moment usually find you focused on the seemingly elusive quality we refer to as 'happiness'?

Either you're unhappy and in pursuit of happiness, or you're happy and revelling in the magic of joy and laughter. Neither lasts for very long, like shimmering bubbles, the moment you think you've got it figured, it's gone...

Of course many of us misinterpret the word “happiness” as being a feeling of joy or elation, usually brought about by a significant other. But this is only part of its full definition. My favourite interpretation is contentment because this is a feeling one can have with or without others around. It also instils confidence and opens doors to creativity. Still, happiness is more than that too, and the best news is that you can stake a claim on it through what you eat.

We all know that chocolate is a 'happy' food (of the instant kind) but there are more foods that can awaken the 'feel-good' hormones within. Although dark chocolate is the best source you actually only need a couple of blocks a day to keep you smiling, with less chance of expanding the waistline in your pursuit of happiness.

Other 'good-mood-foods' include:

    -    Whole Grain bread

    -    Brown rice

    -    Oats or maize meal porridge

    -    Sweet or blue potatoes

    -    Pasta

    -    Double cream or Greek yoghurt (not the flavoured variety)

    -    Goat, Cheddar or Feta cheese

    -    Olive or sunflower oil

    -    Seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame flax, apricot, chia

    -    Fish, especially tuna, mackerel, salmon, muscles, crab and oysters

    -    Beef, lamb or mutton - grass-fed is preferable

    -    Turkey (chicken will do but turkey is best)

    -    Eggs

    -    Honey

    -    Fruit (especially bananas, apricots, berries, raisins and lemons)

    -    Vegetables, especially legumes (beans), tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli and leafy greens

    -    Salads, especially avocado, cherry tomatoes and beetroot

    -    Herbs and Spices

    -    Nuts (including coconut)

    -    Drinks - water, red wine, chamomile, dandelion and green tea, limited coffee

Of course the ultimate secret to happiness, as with great relationships and good health, is moderation. So if you want to grease up that swing in your step, the glimmer in your eyes and reclaim your sassy little smile - eat well and get a little sunshine in to your life!

Thank you for reading,

Skylin – PIN 600315

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