Guest Speaker

Guided By Angels

Guided by Angels

We are all guided by Angels, whether we acknowledge their presence in our lives or not. How do we cultivate a relationship with our Guardian Angels? By speaking to them quietly, or by praying or meditating to them daily. The Angels have been my guide for as long as I can remember and they can guide you on your journey as well.

How do you forge this relationship? I usually take a few moments a day to connect with my Angels. I go to my quiet place in my room, light a white candle and sit and reflect on my intentions for that moment or that day. I then begin to talk to my Angels as if they were an old friend and I ask them to guide and protect me in my journey. I have even fostered a special relationship with the Archangel Michael and I ask him for strength and wisdom.

Did you know Angels can even intervene on our behalf as long as it doesn’t intervene on God’s plan for us. As long as our intentions are pure and the timing of our request is in accordance with God’s master plan for us, Angels can help us with our requests. It’s true! Angels are God’s messengers and sometimes they may come to us in a dream. Some people have even had encounters with Angels and describe them as beautiful and majestic. Angels will even give us signs through synchronicity (the same message being repeated) or through a friend. Have you ever spoken to a stranger and you’re like wow, I really needed to hear that! Those are your Angels delivering messages to you. The Angels will even be there for you in times of trouble. Just picture their divine light and ask for their protection.

Angels are there for us in love as well, as they love to unite soulmates and lovers. Just ask them to be united with your true love and your plea will not go unheard. Just remember the three laws: Your request must be in accordance with God’s plan for us, it cannot cause harm or interfere with the free will of another and the timing must be right. The Angels are always there for us; illuminating our path and sparking ideas. Take the time to nurture your relationship with the Angels and they too will guide you on your journey.


Shell – PIN 600963


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