Guest Speaker


A few days ago while I was talking about psychic channelling to a group of people I was asked again what is grounding and what it consists of. Is it easy? Since this is a question I get asked over and over again, I thought instead of just one example I should post a few. I’ll keep it easy so even people who struggle with visualizing can do this.

Grounding signifies cleansing oneself and making sure roots are firmly anchored in this plane. It is very useful to ground during (and after) any psychic work, readings or simply when one feels really drained.

1) If you have a candle, light one (safely please) and place it in front of you. Sit down and relax and breathe slowly. Then, as you stare at the flame, imagine the soft light coming towards you slowly. It slowly covers you and the whole of your body. You might feel warm at this point. Now imagine roots sprouting from your feet and reaching deep down into the earth. Imagine them rooting firmly into the centre of the earth. Now slowly imagine the light returning to the candle.

2) When seated or lying down relax and take a couple of deep breaths. Now imagine white light starting like a ball on the top of your head and slowly descending to cover all of your body, from head to toe. Repeat the rooting visualization as above.

3) When in the shower (so nice and relaxed) imagine the shower head to be spraying white light instead of water. Imagine it covering all of your body and washing all negativity down the drain. Again repeat the rooting visualization.

These are 3 examples but you really can make up your own if you wish, not everyone uses white light some use pink, blue or green. However, to start, these are 3 simple ways to get you grounded.

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