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Grand Trine In Fire

6th October 2014

Grand Trine in Fire

October is a shaping up to be a busy month up in the sky. This means there will be plenty of activity down here on earth.  As above, so below! So I’m going to be posting quite a few times this month! And my first instalment is about the Grand Trine in Fire.

A trine is an aspect which shows energy that is very easy to harness.  When 3 planets form a triangle (trine) in the sky we have a Grand Trine, a super-special gift from the gods.
This month the grand trine is forming in the element of Fire.  An element represents a way of doing things or an attitude. We could call it “a flavour”.  So the flavour of the month is about Fire: dynamic, positive, creative, intuitive, passionate and enthusiastic. Wonderful! Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) have “oomph”. Retiring wall-flowers they are not! They know what they want and they go out and get it.

You don’t have to be a Fire sign to use the wonderfully positive energy of the Grand Trine in Fire currently present in the sky. Everyone, whatever your Sun sign, can take advantage this super-positive, firey energy to shake up any area of your life that may have become a little stale or boring or could use an extra boost of joy.  Your natal chart will tell you exactly which areas of your life will benefit the most. I can help you to identify where to direct your attention for the highest reward with the least effort.  With a grand trine, whatever is meant for you will come to you easily.

I also believe this Grand Trine in Fire is at least partly responsible for the wonderful Indian Summer we are experiencing in the UK, by keeping the temperatures unseasonably high and extending the joys of summer.  A gift from the gods indeed!  Don’t waste it!

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