Guest Speaker

Festive Planning - Finding New Friends

The Festive Season sees many facing it alone and wishing their situation could be different. Opportunities can come about out of the blue, but it is ultimately up to us to change anything in our life that we are not happy with. If you want to find love... you must get out there and mingle! It will not come chapping at our doors! If only! So, think of ways to bring about more joy into your life. So, if you are facing Christmas alone, and would like someone to share it with, now is the time to do something about it! Join a site, speak to friends; maybe they could introduce you to someone.

We all want someone to care about us and us to care about them, so make this year one to remember! Be bold and dare to change your life. Speak to your neighbours, see what their plans are. You often find that, when we start thinking a little bit outside the box, then the Universe sends us just what we need! Let’s all look ahead and make this year one where we can say, I wanted more than I have at present, so I decided then and there to do something about it, and made it happen! It only does come around once a year, so be optimistic and positive and bring what you most desire into your life! Go! Start planning NOW!!! 


Christmas love

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