Guest Speaker

Eating The Elephant

Often in life we hit points where the obstacles seem greater than our will. We seem to bang our heads, stamp our feet and maybe fall down a few times trying to get where we want to be. Our every move seems thwarted by things out of our control. What if I was to tell you this isn’t the case?

The universe is not out to see you fail. Spirit is your greatest cheerleader, even when you have fallen on your face.  We tend to view obstacles as the big grey elephant standing in our way. We focus on the size of the problem more than gentle animal in front of us. Spirit will see the elephant and send you signs and often repeat them over and over. Think of them as the polka dots on your elephant or the balloons floating above and beyond it or even the bucket of feed that is needed to make him walk off in a new direction.

We come here to learn lessons about this living this life and some of them require effort on our part to see things in different ways, to divert our path to lead us to what we need to learn in the future. By changing your mindset to the obstacles you are facing often will show you a new solution or a whole new part of the circus to enjoy. See the elephant as a gentle giant moving you along to greater peace and understanding. And if you are truly determined, work to turn your elephant into chocolate and remember that quote “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time“


Eating Elephant  



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