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Dreams And Animals

I get asked from my clients why do I dream about someone from my past. Sometimes you miss them and through your dreams you remember all the nice things about them and you explore your relationship with them through your dream or perhaps you had no closure from them and cannot move on. You may even find that you have such a strong connection that you stay connected to them through your dreams.  Dreams about animals in your home are common. These represent our primitive desires our untamed us if you like. The animal you dream about has meaning. For example a badger would mean that you must show persistence over your opponents and you will succeed and apes symbolise your sexual desires your inner nature and dreaming about dogs symbolises your good intentions and values. You certainly do not want to be forgotten and try hard to achieve your goals.

Cats however symbolise an independent spirit and creativity.  It could also indicate someone with a strong sense of their sexuality. This is just a snapshot and I would be happy to interpret your own personal dream in more depth. Next time someone asks if you are a cat or a dog lover you may need to think twice before you answer.

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