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Doubts - Your Inner GPS

8th September 2017

Everyone has innate intuition and we all deal with our intuition differently. Some of us are aware of our intuition or gut feelings, while others are oblivious and sometimes blocked to their intuition. That is why when I read clients I try to help guide them with their intuitive energy, some I see are well served by following their gut feelings, while others I see are more analytical and mundane about making decisions.

Intuition is like our inner GPS or radar. When we let our intuition guide us we are usually guided where we need to be. When intuitive people start doubting their inner voice and second guess themselves, they usually are directed in another direction then the one they want to be going. Doubt and second guessing can make us do things over because we are not following the directions our GPS is telling us.

Some people are not in tune with their inner voice and need things to be spelled out in front of them or cut and dry. They often second guess their decisions that aren’t intuitive, so they are better off making decisions on what they see on paper or in the mundane and not following their inner voice. Think of it like a person who doesn’t know how to operate a GPS. The GPS can’t work for them if they don’t know how to program it. This is not to say that people can’t learn how to program their GPS, they can once they decide they want to be more in tune with their intuition. They need to consciously work on removing their fear and doubt on a regular basis.
Doubt and fear can create blocks for us and this can happen consciously or unconsciously.

The bottom line is that fearing the unknown and doubting your inner voice are easy to prevent or change if you are aware that you are doing this. This can be accomplished by making a conscious effort.

Vivian 500544


Inner GPS

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