Guest Speaker

Do Angels Hear Us?

Most of you may be aware that you have Angels as guides who wish to assist you and help you on your path of Light and Love, but how many of you tune in to them and ask for their assistance? Did you know that only if we ask will we be assisted? As that is the only Angel Law. They are standing around and hovering, waiting for you to ask.

How do I ask for help from my Angels? You may very well ask. By dropping into your heart of course. Try taking some lovely deep calming breaths and relax as you drop into your heart ask that your Guardian Angel give you a sign that He or She is near.

Sometimes Angels will leave a feather to show that they are near. As a special gift for you. Angels are Divine Beings of Light that have never been human and do not have human will, they only have Divine Will. The Creator made them for people on the Earth to assist, help heal and protect them whenever they ask. So ask away! Nothing is too big or too small for a request and the only reason you would not get what you ask for is if it is not for your Spiritual welfare or greater good!

Some people prefer to write a letter to their Guardian Angel or a specific Angel. This can be done by lighting one white candle and focusing on the white flame to still the mind. Drop into the heart and write a letter, pouring your heart out to the Angel and when you have finished just sign it off with love as you would to a friend. Then fold the note up into a tiny square and passing through the flame three times.

If you wish, you may have your pen and paper poised for a reply. Just let the pen flow without thinking of what you are writing and you will get your reply! On Angel wings they deliver and swiftly too!

Blessed Be!

For more information about your Angel and any messages from them give me a call!

These are the views of the individual reader.

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