Guest Speaker

Desire Versus Clarity

What I've learned recently is that when we "want" - which is a desire or craving, we have options. 

The first is to wait. 

Wait for clarity.

One of two things then tends to happen.  More information comes our way through all sorts of ways and means if we are receptive enough. This gives us more details to the situation, person, place, thing, etc...  We then may not want said situation, person, place or thing.... and so the "want" is gone and replaced with a feeling of clarity, liberation, inner peace, contentment.

The second thing that can happen is that, by waiting, or leaving it to simmer in the background, (checking in on it from time to time) eventually, we outgrow the desire, again, bringing a feeling of clarity, liberation, inner peace, contentment.

There is another option of course.... which is to push for what we want, make it happen, which comes at a price (everything comes at a price, no such thing as a free lunch as they say!).  The question is.... are we willing to pay the price? How does it impact on our health, stress levels, vitality, wellbeing, peace of mind? Will it still bring feelings of liberation, inner peace and contentment? Or does it create further attachment and further wants/desires thereby keeping us on that never-ending wheel, having us running around like little hamsters, scurrying around and around and around.

Just how much can one person want AND have at any given moment?

Only you can truly answer that one for yourself but hopefully this food for thought will help you in that decision making process.

It reminds me of the following quote by the Dalai Lama

"Remember, sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck"

Also the depiction of the Five of Cups, often the disappointment is a blessing in disguise. Still got those two cups, one for each hand?

Much love, Charnjit xx

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