Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Today @ 19:00 (EST)

Deja Vu vs Prophetic Dreams

Déjà vu Vs Prophetic Dreams by Vivian 500544

There are a lot of assumptions and hypothesis on what Déjà vu truly is and some have physical explanations and others have psychological explanations and yet another explanation is dream based, that de ja vu is connected to dreams we have had.

Some of my first psychic experiences were in dreams. I would have prophetic dreams that would tell me things that were going to happen in the future. I didn’t know they were prophetic until the things that were happening in the dreams happened in my life. I was very aware when these things were happening that I had dreamt about the events and people verbatim 6 months earlier. In this instance, I would refer to the dreams as predicting the future and conscious knowledge of this.

In a case of Déjà vu, I would have had the events occurred and felt they were familiar but wouldn’t necessarily know that I dreamed about these things prior to the Déjà vu.

It is one theory that when you experience Déjà vu, you are feeling something that you may have dreamed about prior to the experience. You have no conscious recollection of the dream or memory, but feel or sense the familiarity. So, it is believed that Déjà vu is the experience of remembering a dream (not consciously) that you can’t or are not remembering otherwise.

Prophetic dreams are dreams that you have prior to a future event or situation happening and are accessible or you remember that you had the dream prior to this experience. So, if you didn’t remember the dream, the prophetic would now be Déjà vu as you would sense and feel the familiarity but not know why.


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