Guest Speaker

Deja Vu - Back To School

Back to School
By Charnjit

Back to school
Back to routines
Back to "no wearing jewellry or jeans"
Up up up at the crack of dawn
No time to even fit in a yawn
Fall out of bed
And into clothes
No no, sorry UNI-FORM
We must conform
To be the norm
(Whatever that is)
Timetable? Check
Link Book? Check
Keys, card, phone? Check, checkity check
Pencil, pen, protractor, ruler
Oh for the days of Ferris Bueller
Out the door and on the bus
Chauffeur driven? Don't be such a wuss!
Man up, get up, stand up
OK, OK, I'm being too tough
Public transport can be pretty rough
But if you can master it, you're made of strong stuff
Stronger than even the Billy Goat's Gruff
So we made it through
The public slew
Only to face another race
Race to be on time AND in the right place
Making sure your attention does not lessen
Before, during and after each and every lesson
Six hours later and then you're done
Back on the bus
Wonder if it's the same one?
Get home, yay I made it in one piece
Another day done, I put on my fleece
"How was your day?"
"What did you do?"
They think we're being gruff
But really we've just had enough
Oh what a day
Must balance work with play
My favourite game online
Non-stop 'til nine
Then it's time for bed
'though I'm no sleepy head
Gaming characters run through my mind
Dreaming of others that I can find
Aaahhh.... just beginning to unwind
And it's up up up at the crack of dawn
No time to even fit in a yawn...........


back to school

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