Zoe-Anne - PIN 600019 - Currently Unavailable

Crossing Over


Hi lovelies, although things are not perfect in the world we live in; in spirit our loved ones do reconnect and everything is okay in the spirit world, no matter what... Although some spirits are busy looking over someone, somewhere else/ as well as others, this can cause a drift between seeing and connecting straight away. (However with my gifts, 100% spirits do connect straight away with names, only you know)'. I do not ask you for their name/s.

Spirits often look over others that we know/not know about and this happens often, especially when they are busy in the afterlife. Rest assured that they are fine and dandy and getting up-to all sorts far far away. Most beloveds do come through straight away with messages/names that I say to you and only you know who that person is, whether you required that person to come through or not.

Some spirits are also cross with us as some of us, are too cross with them, but they’re waiting as well as us with answers that can only be answered when we cross over to the afterlife with them, especially - heavy questions. That's the unknown for all of us.

However of-course there are spirits that do not cross-over straight away, this can take up to six months. The majority of my lovely callers and friends 'I do connect with your loved ones, right away as you well know'. However rest assured that, if it is recent some of our beloveds do not cross over right away; due to not wishing to let go and they are scarred to let go as some think that they are still here with us, in this world. Be at peace with our loved ones 'do finally cross over when they chose to, or are sent over to the light'.

I really love connecting with your loved one/s. It is a 100% pure pleasure as a gift to give to you. Be blessed here on earth and 'remember that we're all on the same Road to the top'.

Blessings. afterlife

Zoe Anne  Pin number:  600019



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