Guest Speaker

Coping - Miscommunication

The lack of men understanding what women say and vice a versa is an issue that seems to be a constant source of aggravation to many of us. Yet this problem is actually very easily solved; here is how.

Men are very mental / analytical beings, so when they are communicating with someone what they are saying is coming from their minds and not their hearts.

Whereas women are very emotional beings, so when they speak it is coming from their heart.

We all have the issue of listening with the same place we speak from.

Example:  During a spiritual couples counselling session the husband made a comment on how things have been going between he and his wife.

The wife immediately started jumping down his throat over what he had just said. I myself immediately asked her to hold off being mad because she had miss heard what it was that he had really said to her. She then asked me, well what did he say? I then proceeded to explain to her what it was that he had really said to her. She then looked at her husband and asked. Is she right? Is that what you really meant by what you just said? Her husband shrinks down in my couch and lowers his head lifting up his eyes and says, yes.  Immediately his wife starts apologizing to her husband.

That particular miss understanding occurred because his wife was listening to him with her heart when he was speaking to her from his mind. I understood what he had said because I wasn't emotionally involved in the situation and was able to hear clearly what he was trying to get across to her.

The lesson to be learned here is that if you want to be understood by the opposite sex you must speak to them from their level. So women must learn to speak to a man from their mind and learn to listen to a man from their mind. Men need to learn to speak with a woman from his heart and listen to her with his heart as well. If we as spiritual human beings can all learn to do this there would be no longer any miss understandings over crazy things that was not even really said in the first place.

So to find peace in your relationships with the opposite sex whether its friendship, romantic, or work related try to enact this advice and see just how much clearly your world comes into focus through better understanding a healthy way of communication.


Christmas communication

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