Guest Speaker

Coping - Loneliness

Loneliness when the year draws to a close Christmas can be very lonely time, for some people it’s time to reflect on our past how we have treated others, memories good and bad come flooding in people that were dear to us have moved on or passed over, memories of place’s and the times we had long ago, 

The memory of days gone by, those times of Laughs good times with family and friends even colleagues, the joy of those times, even our Animals that hold memories of our past the good times the sad times, we pretend to be who we were in the past we become Actors and Actresses, so we can cope with Loneliness.

We reflect on our photos and photograph albums think of the kids that have grown up and left, do they still have a thought for us! Perhaps you feel as if they have forgotten that you ever existed, or is that our mind playing tricks on us, it’s a time to call a advisor someone that understands and has great insight into the needs of the Lonely, perhaps they can connect you with a loved one who has passed over or help trace a loved one that is living in this world, 

Maybe you miss your mum or dad brother or sister uncle or a dear friend; they are but a phone call away,

Maybe you think about the silly fall outs you had in your past and would like to correct them forgive and move on. A friendly voice on the other end of the phone someone that can help smooth the way for you, make you feel alive again knowing you were never really along. 

christmas coping


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