Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Today @ 19:00 (EST)

Colour Your Mood - How Colour Affects Us

Did you know that the colour you wear could directly affect your mood and the energy you draw to you? Colour affects energy and can really change the way you feel and view things. Below I have outlined colours and how they may be affecting you and how to make changes to achieve the feelings you want to feel.

Black- Black is a powerful colour. It can draw power to you, but it also can draw negativity and sadness to you. Judges wear black robes, religious figures wear black. That is part of the power aspect of black and remaining neutral.

White- White is the colour of purity and reflects brightness. It leaves you open to reflect positive encounters.

Yellow- Yellow is a healing colour intuition is encouraged when wearing yellow.

Orange- Orange is also a psychic colour and works with healing energies.       

Turquoise- Turquoise is a happy colour. It brings you happy vibes and creates happy energy around you

Purple- Purple is spiritual and helps you make the right decisions. The high priest s and royalty have worn purple robes and amethysts to help guide them.

Red- Red is a colour of passion. This can be good or not so good depending on the situation. You can draw a lot of loving attention or fiery opposition when you wear red. Make sure you are in control and know what statement you are trying to make

Colours do affect us in our everyday lives and when you become more aware of the energy associated with different colours you will start to notice how colour is an integral part of why and how you feel the way you do. These are just some of the colours and interpretations. Of course the list is endless and interesting to say the least. But try wearing colour to change the vibe in your life, you will be pleasantly surprised.

For more information on Colour therapy and a personal reading contact Vivian at 500544

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