Vivian - PIN 500544 - On Until 19:00 (EST)

Clearing Blocks, Becoming Empowered

Clearing away the clutter or blocks in our lives is not always as easy as it would seem.  Unlike cleaning out a closet and throwing out what you don't use, clearing out the mind and spirit is a little more complicated.

This is because we unconsciously hang on to ideas, thoughts and habits that we thought we had let go of. Just as we make lists of what we need to do, whether a grocery list, errands or a calendar of appointments, make a list of your thoughts and feelings and what you want to change in specific areas of your life.

Be clear and precise when you make your list. Think of this as a list of goals you want to achieve for yourself.  The next step is simple, make positive affirmations regarding each area you want to improve and try to do this on a daily basis.

This is a great way to bring you the positive and good things you desire in your life, but be specific because you get what you think you will get, so try not to hang on to doubt and regret when focusing on your desires.

As for letting go of the past, or clearing out the clutter, it is important to let go of it not just put it aside in your mind because that will come back to haunt you.  A useful exercise in letting go of negative energy, past hurts and memories is to write down on a piece of paper the feeling, the hurt, or memory and acknowledge it and rip up the piece of paper and throw it away.  For some tough situations write down the person’s name or problem that you are having trouble releasing and put it in a paper cup with water and freeze it.  While the water is freezing so is the situation or issue and basically you are freezing it out of your life.

Yes, this all seems symbolic and may seem silly, but you would be surprised how these silly exercises really help too disconnect from all of the trash that clutters our minds and our spirits.  There is something about physically removing the thought or memory that helps clear it out and make it more final, maybe because then it seems tangible. So, try working on the new positive ideas and affirmations while letting go of the situations and memories that are blocking you from moving on.  The positive energy will overpower the negative energy that you are clearing away and soon you will be feeling more empowered and even more positive then you thought you could.

By Vivian 500544

de clutter the soul


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