Guest Speaker

Boost Your Mood

Boost your mood


Some days you just can’t pick yourself up and you struggle to see the good in anything. Here’s a simple way to get you out of the slump


Try my breathing exercise in an earlier post called “Just breathe”


When you wake, before you get out of bed, do a simple list of appreciation. Thank the universe for your health, your supportive family, great group of friends, loving partner, roof over your head, car, days out, cosy nights in etc. All these things are simple things to some and they get taken for granted.

Set some positive intentions for the day


If you don’t have time before work to do the list, do it on your journey to work


Give yourself the luxury of being off work. Take a morning walk in nature it’s the best boost. Mother Nature is a natural healer


Once you’re out of bed light some incense, just a smell of that before work can lift you. Go to a spiritual shop and find a scent you like. There’s millions of flavours and some are for mood setting


Use a diffuser if not incense - peppermint, orange, bergamot are all great oils for a boost in the morning.


If you’re into yoga or meditation do 10 minutes first thing in the morning.


Drink a large glass of water


Take a shower. Wash away the old energy and start the day with a new fresh energy


I prefer to do these in the morning to set me up for the day ahead rather than after a hard day. Once the day is done your better releasing it if it wasn’t a good day; after all you can’t change the past but you can prepare for the future


Remember to laugh, laughter feeds the soul


Thanks for reading,

Gaia 600486

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