Guest Speaker

Be careful what you wish for

More and more peole are becoming aware that we do create our own reality but are still not fully understanding of this concept. When we look back, quite often we see that we do get our wishes but sometimes not as we have expected. So it is important to be careful what we wish for. Our wishes are everything we are, they are the vibrations that we send out into the great cosmos. Everything we think, feel, believe are vibrations.

The more we act in gratitude the more we are vibrating our desired outcome into being. I had a friend who spent a few christmas days alone and started to say im not going to be alone next christmas, I will have all my friends and family around me. That next chrismas eve she was involved in a really serious road accident and was fighting for her life on christmas day. All her family and friends were there with her but not as she would have wished. Thankfully with the help of her surgeon and healing sent, she will spend many more chrismases with them, however she always says when recounting her story, " always be careful what you are wishing for. Believe that you do receive.




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