Mary Maria - PIN 500795 - Currently Unavailable
Mary Maria


For many years from childhood, I have seen colours and energy around people, places and things.  I was not aware at this time that these energies often known as auras around people, animals, plants, land and so forth are part of the world wide energetic system of that which nourishes and houses much stored information about oneself, others and so forth.  Over the years I trained in reading auras and developed my own framework for explaining to clients and students what I see?  How your aura can change colour, shape and form.  And how to understand it, inform and empower oneself, for growth, self awareness and personal development?

In the ancient Sanskrit and oft in the Indian ancient healing systems, a Seer of these traditions, may  say to you... "Oh your colours look bright today, or...  Oh your colours looks unbalanced today."  

This is all part of a healing framework, dating back to some of the most ancient and authentic healing systems of time.

When I gaze into your soul, your aura I am often able to explain to you what I see, and what it may mean, how to rebalance energies which may need a little healing now and how to understand what your aura is saying for your own balance and personal growth.

Often in my healing room these auric colours can stretch great distance and is most beautiful to see. These spiritual colours are unlike earthly colours and far more beautiful.  Seeing disturbances in an aura often shows as unbalanced shapes and denser colours.  The framework to understand this is linked to the Tree of life in the ancient Kabbalah and or the Chakras, linking to ones flowers and the Flower of life.  

We are all beautiful rainbow flowers, learning how to blossom.  Having your aura read, may assist this journey towards personal enlightenment and growth. Which is why the soul incarnates on earth, to provide the right conditions for soul growth and life experiences in the Earth School of Life.

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