Guest Speaker

Attraction Of Tarot

Why people are so attracted by Tarot? Someone is also scared about it though! What is Tarot really about? Is it only a divination technique or is it something more?

Personally, I believe that future is not written anywhere, what we can read from the Tarot is the way where your energies are moving if you don't change any of your actions and of your thoughts. Tarot helps you to change your future and follow the path your soul really wants, which is the best option for your happiness.

The tarot is a language that talks about the present. It is a very deep psychological inner search.

When you work with the Tarot, you see that chance exists, that synchronicity exists and that everything is linked in a whole pulsing energy. But nothing is a matter of probability. If you set your spirit to something, that phenomenon will happen for sure, if you stick with your direction, in your vision and in your best feelings. When you are determined, when you deeply enter that dimension that it could be called "the dance of reality", the world dances around you as well and gives you what you really seek. Or, better, what your soul really looks for.

Everything symbolizes something in the Tarot. It is an encyclopaedia of symbols, a great optic language. The archetypical language of you inner mind and spirit. All the card games that you know come from the Tarot, even the poker cards! (Just out of curiosity, the poker deck has 26 cards less than the Tarot. In the Kabbalah 26 is the number of God. So, poker is a card game without God!)

In conclusion, Tarot helps you to find what is the best optimistic future for you and for your soul. Even more, it tells you how to go through your best path and reach your destination, which is only a new beginning. It is your life's navigator, a great help that is there for you. Do you want to reach your heaven in earth?

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