Angelic Light - PIN 500727 - Currently Unavailable
Angelic Light

Are you Ready to Welcome the New In to Your Life?

Are you Ready to Welcome the New In to Your Life?

As one door opens another closes in order for the new to come in otherwise we would remain stuck within situations within our lives.

Fear, can stop us from moving on; the flight or fight response can kick in whereby we avoid, isolate, ignore or run away from the situation or we can address it.  There is a known acronym for FEAR which is:-

Face Everything And RISE


Fear Everything And RUN

However, there is no running, no hiding, from fear, as the person you are hiding from is yourself.  Fear only exists within you.  It cannot exist outside of you.  It is a subjective response individual to each person.  If you face the fears, fear has nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, it leaves.

It feels like an overwhelming sense of Peace when fear is gone from the situation, tranquillity resides, as you are in control again.  Yes you may have to deal and sort things out, but remember this AS ONE DOOR CLOSES, OTHERS OPEN, there are MANY OPPORTUNITIES in this life which present themselves to you.  Out of every situation we learn and grown as a person and spiritually too.  The question is this ` Are you wanting to take control of the situation and wanting to Keep Fear At Bay!!

I will discuss more about doors opening and closing in my next blog and what this may mean in relation to you, keep posted……




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