Guest Speaker

Archangel Oracle Cards

Working with the Archangel Oracle Cards

Archangels are powerful, wise and loving helpers or guides, who can protect, heal and motivate us in miraculous ways. The Archangel Oracle Cards are a way of communicating with divine messengers, heaven, your higher self or the Universe.

Archangel means ‘angel of high rank’ so think of them as managers of Guardian Angels. Archangels can be found in a number of religious traditions; they bring peace on earth with the law of free will (your choice). Ask an angel for help or guidance. There is no time space restriction concerning Archangels so they can simultaneously be with everyone who calls upon them at any time just by thinking about them.

They are your spiritual support team who are happy to help you with everyday life concerns, as unlimited beings who work together with the guardian angels to effect healing, guidance, and miracles.

A deck of cards usually consists of 45 cards containing 15 Archangels in the pack (three cards per angel). Every card that is drawn from the deck is significant, but should you not understand a particular card’s relevance at a particular time, please do keep an open mind and try to pay close attention to your intuition, thoughts and feelings during a reading. Before a reading keep in mind a topic or specific question you would like to ask the angels or what general message would you like them to give to you for your highest good. If you cannot think of a question, the angel cards still have a calming, inspiring and uplifting effect.

Earth Angel

Love & light xxx

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