Guest Speaker

Aquarius To The Rescue

Knight Of Swords

He dashes into the unknown without any fear. He goes against the howling wind defying traditional routes and methods using his large creative brain. He has wonderfully brilliant ideas and is able to devoid himself of emotions concentrating strictly on the cause. Such are the attributes of our daring knight; however his often violent and brash plans are not rooted in any solidity or any potential to come full circle to achieve a long-term goal. Since he never doubts himself or his abilities, he is the perfect person to implement innovative new ideas that others shy away from.

Since he operates in the element of intellect he is a perfect representation of the human mind and the large feather in his cap is to call attention to his large brain, typical of all air signs. His great thoughts and plans being without purpose, he goes off on a number of tangents long before completing any of them. His mind simply works too fast and too hard thus few of his plans reach full manifestation. He is the wind and the storm, kicking up the whirlwind of an arid desert kicking up the dust in a random spiral. He is brilliant but unattached to practical matters. Sounds like just the person to provide inspiration doesn't it?

Do you know a man like this?

Tommy Ross 


Knight of Swords


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