Sapphire - PIN 500436 - Currently Unavailable

April Monthly Forecast

April Monthly Forecast

April brings the last open windows and a Venus retrograde

There’s lots of energy and Aries brings excitement and impulsiveness, perhaps even recklessness for some, so be aware. Aries is Go time.

April will be bringing lots of creativity and lively interactions, but also an equal amounts of aspects that could be challenging.

The beginning of April brings us into the last window free of personal planets and retrogrades for 2020. Make good use of the forward momentum and clarity for making big decisions. The window will start March 30th and run up to 9th  of April,  so make it count. 

On April the 10th we start the Venus retrograde. Venus rules love, money and self-esteem. So what will this bring for you all? Venus can return an old lover. Venus can see you going back over old incomes, old values and old worth and also bring back opportunities that can give financial stability

It’s a time to reassess, go inward and re-evaluate your lives.

The world is currently on hold, so protect yourselves and take care. Nothing stays the same forever. Trust in Mother Nature, she has a plan. She is resetting the world and all our lives. We will all look at the world differently with the new plan of action bringing love and financial opportunities to you all.

Look towards the 3rd and 4th of April as being key days to start the month. On the 7th of April we will have a full moon in Libra and the 21st of April will bring a new moon in Taurus. 

Wishing you all a wonderful month of April.  Love and light to all,

Sapphire x

PIN - 500436

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