Guest Speaker

Am I Having A Late Identity Crisis?

We all know the plight of being a teenager, we’ve all been there. Some of us even have our own teenager to contend with. How stressful it is having to experience bodily changes while having to mentally adapt to your new life as an ‘adult’ despite all the adults around you still treating you like a child! A ‘teen identity crisis’ enough to make your head explode but we all reach the end at one point or another, thank goodness!

I don’t know if it’s just me, but this sounds awfully familiar to what many maturing women, and men have to contend with. But why aren’t we as sympathetic to a late-onset identity crisis? Your body is changing, you are transitioning into your new life as a ‘mature adult’ but you still feel as youthful as ever, but everyone is treating you like an old person!

Change is not something that humans are fond of in the slightest. Why change something that works perfectly? Nevertheless, late-onset identity crises are brought about by physiological changes and we have no control over them. To combat the feeling of being lost, tarot can be used to help put you back in the driving seat. Offering you guidance, revealing aspects of your life that can be addressed to bring about change and help you to construct a path out of your late-onset identity issues.

If you are struggling and would like assistance, please get in touch.

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