Guest Speaker

A Look At The Major Arcana Justice


By Charnjit  500410


Keyword: Balance

Song choice: You're the voice, John Farnham


Justice - ruled by Libra - a cardinal air sign, ruled by Venus, planet of love. A love of ideas, thoughts, concepts. 11 is the master number relating to psychics, mediums (although 7 is a very mediumistic number), counsellors, healers, artists, peacekeepers, and teachers.  The double 1 showing balance. Seeing both sides, light and dark; yin/yang; masculine/feminine. We need a healthy balance for a healthy life and healthy world. Too much yin can bring distraction, manipulation, covert tactics. Too much yang - sheer physical brutality. We need the brain and the brawn. Give and take. Divine justice is at play. The truth will out and always does eventually. We just need to be at peace with it in order to heal, release, move on and balance.


With love,

C xx

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