Janette - PIN 600242 - Currently Unavailable

Awakening And The Twin Flame


I’ve had over the last couple of weeks many clients concerned that strange events appear to be happening to them.

Synchronicities occurring every day with specific numbers too.

11.11 seeing on clocks repeating numbers like 333 222.

Feeling that something is about to happen and it feels other worldy.

Now there is an awareness of the Earth raising its vibration and its inhabitants from what is known as 3D to 5D reality.

This process often begins with seeing the above numbers and strange coincidences.

Often too clients report of meeting their Twin Flame.

The other part of their soul..either masculine energy or feminine.

The belief is that Twin Flames have incarnated to Unite and raise the vibration of humanity to the new frequency.

For those who think this may be a little farfetched...it seems to be happening more and more and thus would seem we are all on a very exciting cosmic journey.



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