Guest Speaker

5 Things You Can Do To Get Over Someone


As a Psychic Adviser and Counsellor let me begin by telling you how many times I hear … “But, he/she is my soul mate.” It is time to understand that we do not have only ONE soul mate. The other thing to understand is that SOUL MATES do not make us UNHAPPY. True soul mates make us very happy. If a relationship begins to make you miserable then often times that was not a soul mate connection – no matter how much you want to believe it was.

Here are some practical things YOU can start doing on a daily basis to get some real work done on yourself to help you LET GO...


  1. Begin by understanding that you are an amazing person and acknowledge that you are able to love and love deeply and that is an amazing thing. Here is the catch to that! YOU want to find someone who can also love and love deeply not someone who sends mixed messages or someone who is wishy washy in love. You deserve someone who loves and loves deeply and wants a healthy and happy relationship! Stop wasting time on someone who is not ABLE TO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU DESERVE!
  2. Now let's get down to WORK. It is time now to remember that it is your EGO that has been wounded. It is time to focus on healing your EGO. This can be done by sitting down every day for a period of a week or two and making an extensive list of all the amazing things you bring to an intimate relationship. IT IS TIME TO REMEMBER YOU’RE WORTH! Remember that everyone is flawed and that we are all doing the best we can but that when someone rejects you it is about them and not you. You are one of a kind and worthy of someone just right for you. Unless, you really know who you are and what amazing things you bring to the table you don't truly know your worth. So I say get TO WORK!
  3. Now let's look at the person you are having trouble getting over. I want you to sit down now for a period of a week or so and make and thorough list of all the things this person was doing in the relationship that was upsetting you or hurting you. Really look at that list and ask yourself if that person is or was the right person for you????
  4. COMMUNICATE CLEARLY and without fear. We are often afraid to lose someone if we say certain things. The reality is if we can't talk to them openly and honestly they are not good for us already. So if you are in a situation where you can find the courage to say what you want then do it. Find out once and for all what they want from the relationship and see if it matches what you really want. Before talking to them you may want to make a list of the things you really HONESTLY want from the relationship. TIME TO GET HONEST!!!
  5. If after all of this hard work you are still having trouble letting go. You may want to consider a support group on grieving. There is nothing wrong with sharing with others and needing some support for a short time. It can really help you to get out and make new friends and get past obsessing over someone who is not good for you. Also, remember that YOUTUBE can be a great aid at this time with hundreds of meditations and speakers on getting over a broken heart.


I wish you all haste in getting over someone who is not good for you and haste in finding someone who is amazing for you!!! I wish you love and joy!!!

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